Last month I fulfilled a vision of mine which was to go to a retreat - in LA! Specifically in a $6 million mansion in Beverly Hills.  It was just this time last year that I found out about this retreat and I said right there and then - I wanted to be there. Now I’m sharing what I learned with you - oh...and how I made it happen!

Dream Big

In October last year, Donna and I attended a full day retreat in London with other female entrepreneurs from around the globe.  I remember giggling like a kid saying out loud that we were ‘entrepreneurs’ because honestly - we didn’t really feel like it at the time. It was only that week that our website had gone live. We still didn’t really feel like we were living into that label.  If you’re new to having your own business, you’ll know exactly what I mean!

The global female entrepreneurs on that day talked about the LA Retreat - it sounded amazing! Something in me just knew that I had to be there. Do you ever get that? It’s just an instinctive knowing of something. You don’t know why you want it so much or how it’s going to happen but you know that it’s meant for you.  Well, I knew this was meant for me. Now, Donna and I are big into Law of Attraction (and the Universe in general), and so on that day I believe I set the intention and then released it - knowing that what’s meant for me will never pass me by.


Six months later, we made the decision to join a Mastermind run by Niyc Pidgeon, our Coach - and the LA Retreat is part of that Mastermind! So off I went on what I knew would be an incredible journey of discovery for me. I just knew it. I have never before spent seven days straight only focusing on myself.  I mean, we are women right - who does that?! We are always so busy looking after everyone else. But I knew this was just what I needed to take myself and our business to the next level.

I totally immersed myself in the experience. I held nothing back and went emotionally, physically and spiritually - all in! Here are my biggest takeaways...

  1. It is so important to surround yourself with people who lift you up and energise you.  Being around high-vibe women with big ambitions and big hearts and endless positive energy - I mean WOW!  It made you feel like anything is possible. And I mean, anything!  

  2. I became consciously aware that I AM SPIRITUAL...yes people I did not realise that this is part of who I am.  I thought that Donna was the spiritual one and it’s just something I had started to learn.  I had a realisation that it had been there all along, I just did not know!  Since my trip I have had so many more Aha moments open up to me from this realisation - and I’m loving deepening this side of me.

  3. I have absolute clarity that Donna and I are on the right path. We are living our purpose and this feels so good.  We want to impact more than 1 million girls and women to thrive as their authentic selves, stand tall and be proud of who they are! It feel sooo good to say that. We want to help women to know their purpose and value their worth, their gifts and support them to overcome all of their limiting beliefs so that they can take those gifts to the world.

  4. I feel I have fully accepted who I am. For years I was constantly ‘on’ in the corporate world with too much masculine energy, hustling, getting shit done.  I now am able to combine some of that with my feminine energy leaning out, going slower and tuning in to my creativity. I have never felt more alive, more energised and more proud to stand in my own power.

  5. I love going on TV! I actually appeared alongside one of our Coaches, Dr Erin Fall Haskell on her morning TV show - Good Morning LALA Land! I was able to share what Now Is Your Time is about and our mission. How cool is that?! Check out my interview here!

Invest in you

This last year, we have spent over £35k on our personal and business development. We have more than made back our financial investment and the more we have invested, the bigger the rewards. For the personal revelations I had in LA - that stuff was priceless.

I can’t lie, at first I really resisted paying the kind of money we have on coaching programmes - I think it’s natural to feel that. I’m from a working class family and ‘spending’ money on yourself isn’t the norm. Now I don’t see it as spending, it’s ‘investing’ and there is a world of difference. I also now no longer feel the need to muddle on alone when there are people out there who can help me to get to where I want to be much faster.  

The investment is not just about the money though - the biggest investment is in taking the time and space for you to work out what you really want and then take it one step at a time to get there. Even if it’s baby steps. Start moving forward. Everything you want is so much closer than you could possibly believe.

Love and hugs,

Cheryl  x

P.S. If you’re ready to work out what your purpose is or you know that your mindset is getting in the way of you hitting your business goals - then email me and I will send you some info on how we can help you. You’re not alone!

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