NIYT Book Club

Books have been a huge part of our lives. You can escape, develop yourself or just sit in wonder at the experience of others!

Here are some of our personal faves.

We have a book club which we would love you to join in The Soul System, our online Facebook Community…


Become The Real You - Available Now!

How will you feel a year from now, if your life is exactly the same?

Why do most of us put up with mediocre lives, keeping ourselves small… scared to play all out?

Become The Real You is your life-changing guide to ditching self-doubt and breaking free from the Imposter Syndrome that has held you back so far from being, doing and having all the things you desire to become the best version of you imaginable - The Real You.

It isn’t because you’re not talented enough or because you don’t want the happiness, purpose and abundance you think everyone else out there with their shit together has.

You don’t believe it’s possible for you because you don’t have their confidence.

You don’t believe that you’re good enough.

Your programming in the form of your belief system is in need of a serious reboot.

Now Is Your Time to get clear on what you want from your life, work out what beliefs you have that are in the way and create a new mindset that delivers unstoppable success, killer confidence and heart-bursting happiness.

Become The Real You is your life-changing guide to ditching self-doubt and breaking free from the Imposter Syndrome that has held you back so far from being, doing and having all the things you desire to become the best version of you imaginable - The Real You.

Learn how to create the life of your dreams with a little help from The Universe.

My hope, my wish, and my invitation for you is for you to take the opportunity this book offers you right now with both hands, grab it, and run with it as if your life depended on it. Because the fact is, in so many ways, it actually does.

Find guidance, alignment, and purpose with this insightful, practical guide to understanding and interpreting your Human Design chart.

World-leading expert Jenna Zoe reveals the power and potential of Human Design in simple steps and shows you how to utilize your results to create an incredible life. Drawing inspiration from many different schools of wisdom, including the chakras, I Ching, astrology, and the Tree of Life, Human Design is a system based on our time and date of birth, illustrated as a unique chart that reveals our opportunities, challenges, personality, strengths, relationships, and much more.

Once you have your chart, you can tap into a detailed and unique toolkit to help you unlock your true purpose in this world. You'll discover how to:

· generate your own chart with an easy-to-follow process
· find out what your Energy Type is and how you can harness it
· stop striving to be someone you're not and feel comfortable in your own skin
· understand your intuition, personality, habits, relationships, and more

When your chart reveals how to be the real you – the most individual you can be – you'll find that you're able to confidently walk your unique path and live according to your soul's purpose.

Embark on The Goddess Path and start showing up in the world as the powerful goddess you came here to be.

Taking you on a personal and spiritual deep dive, this book will lead you on a powerful journey to uncover all that keeps you from living your most authentic, purposeful life. By walking Kirsty’s tried and tested Goddess Path you'll learn how to reclaim your self-worth, establish boundaries, cultivate your intuition, step into your feminine power, and uncover who you truly are.

You’ll heal your witch and sister wound, befriend your shadows, embrace your seasons and cycles and remember all of who you came here to be.

Set out across 13 easy-to-follow steps, filled with ancient Goddess magic, this inspiring book is packed full of wisdom, rituals, affirmations, and simple practices to activate the goddess within.

What has self-doubt already cost you in your life? WORTHY is how you change that.

Imagine what you’d do if you FULLY believed in YOU! When you stop doubting your greatness, build unshakable self-worth and embrace who you are, you transform your entire life! WORTHY teaches you how, with simple steps that lead to life-changing results!

“In life, you don’t soar to the level of your hopes and dreams, you stay stuck at the level of your self-worth. In your business, leadership, relationships, friendships and ambitions, you don’t rise to what you believe is possible, you fall to what you believe you’re worthy of. When you build your self-worth, you change your entire life. WORTHY teaches you how. I wrote WORTHY for YOU if you have some self-doubt to destroy and a destiny to fulfill!” – Jamie Kern Lima

Author Jamie Kern Lima’s first, instant New York Times bestselling book, Believe It, captured her journey of going from Denny’s waitress to billion-dollar entrepreneur by learning to believe in herself. And now her second, much anticipated, upcoming book WORTHY, is the playbook for how YOU can believe in YOU!

If you’ve ever struggled with self-doubt, felt like you don’t have what it takes…or that who you truly are isn’t enough, even if you’re really good at hiding it from the world, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been underestimating your talent and gifts, or battle imposter syndrome, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve been letting fear of failure and rejection hold you back, WORTHY is for you. If you’ve learned to please others so much that you end up betraying yourself, WORTHY is for you. If you’re sick and tired of what self-doubt has already cost you in your life, in your goals, in your relationships, and in your hopes and dreams, WORTHY is for you! If you’re ready to expand your self-love, ignite your self-confidence and wakeup your self-worth, WORTHY is for you!!

When you change what you believe you’re worthy of, you change your entire life.


Join our book club

WE love to share our thoughts on the book selections in our free facebook community 'the soul system' so make sure you join us there too!

Reading is by far the most successful pursuit of happiness
— unknown