
You have to say ‘yes’

It's funny how the Universe works isn't it? We never in a million years thought on that day when we went to the course to learn how to improve our motivational speaking skills, that we were going to be signing ourselves up to do something so completely out of our comfort zones by the end of the day! But Cheryl and I are never ones to look a gift horse in the mouth and we believe as you know, that everything happens for a reason. So at the end of the session when Richard McCann offered us the opportunity to sign up and come back in a couple of weeks to see some incredible motivational speakers and maybe do a firewalk...before we knew it we were already signing and paying for our tickets!

Let’s see what happens

We didn't just stop there we invited along two incredible women, who have been doing some coaching with us on beating their Imposter Syndrome and improving their overall self-confidence and self-worth. We didn’t really tell them what was involved on the day, we just told them to come along and have a fun-filled, inspirational day and they both agreed. We figured, it’s nice to fly by the seat of your pants every once in a while! We had no idea what an impactful day we were all in for!

Inspiration central

The speakers were just incredible. Their stories all so different, so powerful and so transformative. Check out these guys on LinkedIn Natalie Queiroz, Liam (Kritical) Powers, Steven Robinson B.E.M., Emma Preston - the journey they have individually been on, the things they have all overcome up to this point and the messages of resilience, hope and strength they all shared had the vast majority of us in the room in tears more than once!

Unbelievable courage

Then of course there is listening to Richard himself. For those of you who don’t know Richard’s story, his Mam was the first victim of Peter Sutcliffe (known to many of us as The Yorkshire Ripper). Whilst Cheryl and I had heard Richard share his story before, it is still so moving to hear how those events impacted him as a little boy and how the ripple effect of that event flowed through his life and that of his siblings for decades - forever changing them and altering the course of their lives.  What was so beautiful though, was Richard also talked us through his belief in the signs he gets all around, that his Mam is still with him. It gave us all tingles.

Bring it on

When the time came for the main event, Lottie Moore (our Firewalk Master), talked us through how the firewalk is a different experience for each individual. How it can change you, how it can make magic happen - and to set a clear intention before you walked on the burning hot coals. Oh, and to remove your tights! Then, Lottie led all 440 of us in singing a spiritual song to awaken our senses and prepare us for our firewalk.  We sang along and started to really feel the change in the vibration of the room. Excitement, anticipation, nervousness - and then shoes off and outside!

Set your intention

About half of us did the firewalk - the energy as we all cheered, sang and clapped each other on was so uplifting! One by one, we all set our intention, focused and did our walk.

All is well

It’s been about two weeks and we wanted to wait to see what we had learned from the experience once we were away from the euphoria of the actual event. We were on such a high for days afterwards, euphoria is the way I would describe it! Since then, we have all felt calmer, more relaxed and in control of our thoughts when compared to before the firewalk. We seem to be finding we have a different perspective on things, a keener focus and a general feeling that everything is going to be ok.

It confirmed for me that anything that we set our mind to, we can achieve. That was my intention, simply, “Show me that I can”...and I felt absolute certainty when I stepped on those coals that I could.

We just have to believe that we can.

Love always,


P.S. Only a few small blisters were acquired in the making of this blog...

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